是的,澳大利亚拥有很多为家庭量身打造的海滩,这些海滩不仅有阳光和海浪,还能让孩子们尽情玩耍。它们配备了游乐场、烧烤设施、洗手间、救生员以及有时甚至还有喷水池 - 所有你需要的一切,都能让你度过难忘且轻松的海滩日!
考特洛海滩(Cottesloe Beach),西澳大利亚州:
这个著名的珀斯海滩拥有白沙、清澈的海水,还有一个位于海滩上的超棒游乐场。让你的孩子在秋千和滑梯上尽情玩耍,而你可以在阳光下放松或者去海里游泳。 -
布莱顿海滩(Brighton Beach),维多利亚州:
这里有色彩斑斓的浴池小屋、繁忙的咖啡馆以及俯瞰水面的宽敞游乐场。布莱顿海滩非常适合建造沙堡、在波涛中溅水,并在欣赏菲利普湾壮丽景色时享用野餐午餐。 -
弗雷舍沃特海滩(Freshwater Beach),新南威尔士州:
被茂密的灌木丛包围的弗雷舍沃特海滩提供了远离悉尼喧嚣的宁静避风港。游乐场设有攀爬架、秋千,甚至还有个海盗船 - 能让你的冒险家玩上几个小时。 -
北伯利海滩(North Burleigh Heads),昆士兰州:
以温柔的海浪和金色的沙滩而闻名,北伯利海滩适合所有人。享受专门为幼儿设计的游乐场,尝试立式桨板运动,或者只是放松身心,享受阳光浴。 -
亨利海滩(Henley Beach),南澳大利亚州:
小贴士: 在计划你的家庭海滩日时,记得带上防晒霜、帽子、水瓶、零食以及急救包。别忘了事先查看潮汐和天气状况!
The minivan rumbled down the coastal highway, its occupants bouncing with nervous energy. Six-year-old Lily was perched in her booster seat, drumming a frantic beat on the dashboard. “Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” echoed through the car, punctuated by the occasional whine from little Max in his rear-facing seat.
"Almost," Dad sighed, glancing at his wife in the passenger seat. "Just another hour and then Cottesloe Beach!" He knew it was a long shot to pacify the kids with that promise alone. This road trip had been their annual escape from the city for years, but this year, Lily seemed extra restless.
Suddenly, a wave of excited chatter erupted from the back seat. “Look! It’s the beach!” cried Max, his eyes wide with anticipation.
Pulling up to Cottesloe Beach was like entering a paradise designed just for families. The golden sand stretched out before them, meeting turquoise water that sparkled under the Perth sun. But what truly captured their attention was the vibrant playground nestled right on the shore. Swings soared high into the air, slides zig-zagged down sandy slopes, and colourful climbing frames beckoned like treasures.
Pulling away from Cottesloe Beach, Dad couldn’t help but smile. This wasn’t just another beach trip; it was a reminder that sometimes, the simplest pleasures - sunshine, sand, and shared laughter - are all you need for a truly unforgettable day.
## 澳大利亚适合带孩子的海滩指南:
海滩名称 州份 特色设施 其他亮点 考特洛海滩 (Cottesloe Beach) 西澳大利亚州 海滩上的游乐场 白沙、清澈的海水,适合游泳和放松。 布莱顿海滩 (Brighton Beach) 维多利亚州 彩虹色的浴池小屋、繁忙的咖啡馆、宽敞游乐场 建造沙堡、玩耍,欣赏菲利普湾风景。 弗雷舍沃特海滩 (Freshwater Beach) 新南威尔士州 茂密的灌木丛包围的海滩,设有攀爬架、秋千、海盗船主题游乐场 远离悉尼喧嚣的宁静避风港。 北伯利海滩 (North Burleigh Heads) 昆士兰州 温和的海浪、金色的沙滩、专门为幼儿设计的游乐场 立式桨板运动,享受阳光浴。 亨利海滩 (Henley Beach) 南澳大利亚州 秋千、滑梯、攀爬架的大游乐场 海滨步道漫步,适合全家休闲娱乐。 -